Returns & Refunds

1. What is your returns policy?

We offer a hassle-free 30-day return policy for your items after delivery. Please be aware that customers are responsible for covering the shipping costs for returns, and items should be shipped back to our warehouse.

The item/s must be in original condition. Item/s must not have been used in any way. Unfortunately, we cannot accept any returns that do not meet the above requirements.

The Cart Space offers a full refund (item price excluding original shipping cost).

All returns must be sent to our warehouses in the United States, Europe, and China. However, the address for returning items will be provided when you contact us at

2. How do I request a return?

To initiate a return, simply email us at using the same e-mail address you used to order the item. We will send you the address you need to use to send back the items.

Once we receive the items, you will receive your refund (item price excluding original shipping cost).

The Cart Space cannot be held liable for the loss of the items during the return process. We recommend using a registered post service to return goods, and keeping a record of the tracking details.

3. How much does delivery cost for the return?

Based on your location and the order's cost, if you opt to return your purchase within our 30-day company policy, kindly reach out via email to We'll provide you with details regarding the return cost.

5. When can I expect to receive my refund?

Once we initiate the refund, your bank or card issuer will process the request, and you should expect to see the refunded amount reflected as a credit within approximately 5-10 business days.